- 效法耶稣的榜样,学习一年级的祷告,成为更有爱心的基督徒.
- 专注于神的爱, 耶稣的生平和教导, 属于教会的, 传统的普通祈祷, 还有念珠.
- 一年级学生通过观察彩绘瓢虫变成蝴蝶来学习完整的蜕变. 当我们利用教室孵化器学习小鸡的胚胎学时,我们见证并体验了一只动物的诞生. First Grade participates in the 活动 provided by the Cook County Farm Bureau. 我们还通过St .收养了一头奶牛. 并通过电子邮件与我们当地的农民沟通,并获得每月的更新和小牛的照片.
- Demonstrate phonological and phonemic awareness and recognize high frequency words.
- 运用词汇分析来理解选择,运用阅读策略来提高理解和流畅性.
- 识别故事元素, 使用上下文线索, 理解主旨, 作出预测, 区分事实和幻想.
- 流利地阅读适合年龄的材料,并能在阅读中自我评价和自我纠正.
- Use 写作 to communicate and apply grammar and mechanics including capitalization, 完整的句子, 基本的标点符号.
- 专注于数字和顺序感, 添加ition and 减去ion concepts and strategies with facts to 12, 位置值和模式, recognize geometrical shapes in the world around, 计算时间到小时和半小时, 并解决简单的文字问题.
- Introduced to 添加ing two-digit numbers with and without regrouping.
- Understand concepts of life science and earth science through reading, 预测, 组织, 质疑, 和解释.
- Develop an awareness of people around them, recognize important people and special events, 理解映射和映射术语.
- 在学习的各个领域, 学生将展示理解能力, 学习解码策略, 练习阅读流畅性, and show understanding of vocabulary in context.
- Share positive reading and listening experiences through various genres of literature.
- 段落要有条理, 使用正确的语法, and show understanding of the topic at hand.
- Demonstrate knowledge and mastery of various mathematical skills such as place value, 添加ition and 减去ion of multi-digit numbers, 识别几何形状, 学习用模拟时钟报时, 测量和比较长度单位, learning to identify and understand the value of coins and dollar amounts, 还有制图, 比较和绘制数据.
- 展示生命科学知识, 物理科学, 地球科学, 并通过对人体的观察, 预测, 质疑, 和解释, 同时通过蒸汽体验学习.
- 通过了解美国的过去和现在,表现出作为更大世界一部分的自我意识, 我们的政府和它的象征, 著名的美国人, 地理与地图, 美国的社区:城市, 郊区, 和农村.
- 学生从事精神上,因为他们准备和解和第一次圣餐的圣礼, 学习传统祈祷, 在礼拜季节积极参与, 并了解圣徒的生活.
- 专注神, 耶稣基督和圣灵, 圣礼, 服务, 礼拜仪式的季节, 圣徒的生活, 教会是我们的团体. Plan and assist in liturgy and other forms of worship.
- Read with expression and 流利, demonstrate good oral and written comprehension.
- Use word identification strategies; understand character and setting; 画 conclusions, 作出预测, 故事的全球最大正规博彩平台顺序.
- 认识并写出完整的句子,使用名词、动词、代词、形容词和副词.
- Practice informal and formal 写作 by using the six traits of 写作. 用草书写清楚.
- 以多种形式写作(报告), 友好的信件, 描述性的段落, 叙述故事, 书评).
- 多位数的加减运算, 识别位值, 数钱数并举例说明钱数, 记住乘法知识, 表现出测量的流畅性, 并展示计时技能.
- Explore science in the physical and natural world. Describe simple life cycles of 植物 and 动物; recognize the relationship of living things to their environment; describe the features/processes of the Earth and its resources.
- 阅读各种地图,了解社区类型,了解政府如何运作.
Fourth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- 培养对信仰的理解, 大圣人, 节日, 礼拜仪式的季节, 圣经, 十诫, 出现, 大斋节, 圣灵, 和圣礼. Plan and assist in liturgy and other forms of worship.
- Develop skills necessary to read with 流利, comprehend and 解释 written materials, 沟通好了, 有效地听和说.
- Focus on expository, persuasive and narrative 写作 with a focus on expository
- Respond to literature and math in written communication.
- Experience authentic literature in the forms of poetry, 民间故事, 非小说类, 小说, 传记, 幻想和戏剧. Write multiple sequential paragraphs on a given topic.
- 与他人合作,为个人和小组做报告.
- 添加, 减去, 乘, and divide multi-digit numbers; estimate and 比较 numbers; name, 画, 测量线条, 段, 射线, and angles; narrie geometric figures; find area, 周长, and 体积; display data; name, 使用, 添加, 减去, 比较, and convert 分数; demonstrate problem-solving strategies; estimate products; communicate in math.
- 了解天气, 地球和它的变化, 岩石和矿物, 太阳系, 生态系统, 健康, 人体, 生命与地球主题, 还有物理话题,比如物质.
- Know the 50 states/capitals, abbreviations, and be able to locate them on a map. 展示对美国各地区的了解.S. and meeting needs through goods and 服务s.
Fifth Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- 通过故事学习, 活动, 圣经, 祈祷, discussion and reflection about their Catholic faith. 专注神, 耶稣基督和圣灵, 萨克拉门托, 礼拜仪式的季节 and morality; plan and assist in liturgy and other forms of worship
- Development of skills that allow students to read with 流利, comprenend and 解释 written materials, 沟通好了 有效地听和说. Understand ca使用 and effect; analyze details; 使用上下文线索; analyze theme, plot, and setting.
- Develop traits of good 写作: organization, 的声音, 流利, 词的选择, 约定, 的想法, 和演示. Write multiple sequential paragraphs on a given topic. Make presentations to 个人 and small and large groups. Express 的想法 clearly when speaking and read fluently with expression.
- 掌握整数, 金钱和小数, 分数, 比率, 比例和百分比, and length and measurement; 识别位值; solve multiple step word problems; calculate area, 周长 and 体积; 解释 data.
- Categorize organisms by interactions in their 生态系统; analyze weather and climatic conditions; describe features and effects of various forces on the earth and its resources; identify the effects of science on society.
- 关注印第安人, 探险家, 美洲殖民地, 美国独立战争, the Westward Movement and the Civil War; master geography/map skills
- 培养对圣经所启示的神的拯救之爱的鉴赏力, 尤其是旧约. Plan and assist in liturgy and other forms of worship. .
- Comprehend and demonstrate mastery of grade appropriate literature; demonstrate skills in summary and critique over a variety of literature. Develop higher level comprehension and inferential thinking skills. 运用词汇分析和词汇技巧.
- Have a foc使用d understanding of 写作 and mechanics; be able to divert from standard responses and develop their own 写作 styles in essays;demonstrate 使用 of the 写作 process including pre写作, 写作, 修改, 同行编辑和定稿. Present materials orally to 个人 and small and large groups.
- 探索模式和变量, 数论与整数, 分数, 小数, 和9, 比率和比例, 使用 data to find statistical measures and create statistical displays, 求解代数方程和不等式, 使用几何工具, area, 体积, 表面积, 发现概率. Demonstrate problem-solving abilities in word problems and real life applications.
- 展示对细胞的理解, 人类生物学, 动物, 植物, 细菌, 遗传, 健康, and environmental science; identify and explain effects of changes in states of matter; evaluate and apply ecological concepts to environmental problems. Identify problems, formulate and test hypotheses and evaluate experimental results.
- 掌握地图技能和海洋知识, 大陆, and location of world countries; develop an understanding of Ancient Egypt, 美索不达米亚, 印度, 中国, 希腊, 罗马, 阿拉伯, 美国, 中世纪的欧洲, 非洲, 和亚洲.
Seventh Grade Highlights and Expectations:
- Catholic values are discussed and integrated not only in religion but in all learning. 专注于耶稣基督:他的生命, 他的教导, and His presence in the Church; Church history; morality/development of self-worth; universality of the Church, 主要的教会文件, and the seven themes of Catholic Social Teachings.
- Analyze literature and develop skills necessary to comprehend literature at and above grade level; become familiar with literary terms, identifying and using them in their own works; application of word analysis and vocabulary skills; analyzing style and purpose; understand elements of plot; understanding the author's purpose in various literary forms.
- Demonstrate an understanding of sentence and paragraph patterns and their 使用s and effects; a variety of narrative and expository structures; the criteria for evaluation of their written work. Develop skills in 写作 content and mechanics that will demonstrate a growth in their understanding of language; respond confidently in essays to a variety of prompts.
- 完成一篇研究论文. Give one speech per quarter and take part in debates and panel discussions.
- 掌握比率和比例推理 , 和百分数打交道, understand geometric concepts with 3 dimensional shapes and measurements, 数据分析, 概率, and measurement; explore number theory; 使用 formulas, 表达式, and solve multi-step equations and inequalities. 使用不同的策略来解决文字问题和现实生活中的应用数学概念.
- Use inquiry skills; learn the characteristics of living things; understand 遗传 and classification; understand the diversity of cells; understand and explain human body systems. Research, 准备, 为科学展览展示一个项目.
- Prepare and build an invention that will benefit society.
- 专注于U.S. 历史从美洲的第一个文明通过内战和重建. 了解政治, 经济, 以及社会制度和全球最大正规博彩平台, 趋势, 个人 and movements shaping the history of Illinois, 美国. S. 还有其他国家.
- Intensely 准备 for Confirmation and a lifelong relationship with God; integration of Catholic values in all learning. 参与教区社区活动. Demonstrate leadership in faith, home, and 服务.
- Demonstrate a firm grasp of literacy skills. Evaluate and analyze literature; express high level analysis and synthesis in written form. 培养对语言和写作过程以及写作类型的理解,为高中学习做准备. Understand the research and 写作 processes.
- 能够理解不同的句子和段落模式,以及它们的用法和效果. Utilize a variety of narrative and expository structures and evaluate written work. Apply and 使用 graphic organizers to evaluate, 解释, and understand content and the 写作 process.
- 掌握代数表达式, equations and inequalities in two variables, 理解并使用线性方程的斜率-截距形式和斜率-截距形式的图形, explore and solve problems using the Pythagorean Theorem, graph and perform transformations in the coordinate system, mastery of congruence and similarity of figures, 探索指数, powers and compute with scientific notation; application of percentages; organize, display and 解释 data and 使用 measures of central tendency for data analysis; apply arithmetic operations to rational numbers, calculate 体积 表面积 of cylinders, 视锥细胞, 还有合成图形.
- 了解化学成分, 化学相互作用, 运动, 力和能量, 电与磁, sound and light; distinguish between elements, 化合物和混合物. Prepare and build an invention that will benefit society; and research, 准备, 为科学展览展示一个项目. Explore 物理科学 using the scientific method and models, tools and measurement.
- Have an in-depth understanding of 美国n history from Reconstruction to the present and current events; understand events, 趋势, 个人, and movements shaping the history of Illinois, 美国.S.和其他国家.